How to Charge Your AirTag? A Comprehensive Guide

Navigating the world of Apple’s AirTags means understanding how these small but mighty trackers keep powered up. Unlike devices that tether to a charging cable, AirTags operate on a replaceable battery system, a feature that sets them apart in the realm of personal item tracking. This guide is your go-to resource for everything from recognizing the tell-tale signs that your AirTag’s battery is running low to the simple steps of swapping in a fresh one. Plus, we’ll share some insider tips to stretch that battery life even further. Whether you’re a seasoned AirTag user or new to the game, this guide ensures your tracker is always in peak condition, ready to locate your valuables at a moment’s notice.

What is an AirTag?

An AirTag is a small, coin-shaped device crafted by Apple to assist in keeping track of your personal items. Utilizing Bluetooth technology, it seamlessly connects to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, enabling you to pinpoint the location of objects like keys, wallets, or luggage on a map via the Find My app. Its standout feature, precision finding, leverages Ultra Wideband technology for a more accurate and interactive locating experience for items in close proximity. Designed with user convenience in mind, AirTags feature a user-replaceable battery and a water-resistant build, marking them as a practical and robust choice for everyday tracking needs.

How to Determine if Your AirTag Needs a New Battery

AirTags are not designed to be recharged, as they operate on a replaceable CR2032 battery. To ensure your AirTag remains operational, it’s crucial to recognize the signs that it’s time for a battery replacement. You’ll receive a notification on your connected Apple device when the battery begins to run low, serving as a clear indicator that a new battery is needed. Furthermore, if you notice your AirTag stops updating its location or seems to lag in performance, these are telltale signs that the battery’s life is nearing its end. By staying alert to these indicators, you can promptly replace the battery and maintain uninterrupted tracking of your belongings.

The average lifespan of an AirTag battery under normal usage conditions is approximately one year. However, this can vary based on how frequently the AirTag is used to track items and the conditions it is exposed to.

Checking Battery Status in the Find My App

To check your AirTag’s battery status, follow these steps in the Find My app on your connected Apple device:

  1. Open the Find My app.
  2. Select the “Items” tab.
  3. Choose your AirTag from the list.
  4. The battery level is displayed under the AirTag’s name.

AirTags Do Not Have a Rechargeable Battery

AirTags rely on a CR2032 coin cell battery, which, unlike many modern gadgets, is not rechargeable. This means when the power runs out, the battery must be replaced, not plugged in for a recharge. This approach ensures that your AirTag remains lightweight and easy to maintain.

Signs Your AirTag Battery Is Low

Be on the lookout for signs that your AirTag’s battery is dwindling. The most straightforward indicator is receiving a notification on your connected device, a clear signal that it’s time for a battery swap. Additionally, performance issues such as your AirTag ceasing to update its location can also hint at a low battery.

Detailed Signs and Actions Table

SignAction RequiredNotes
Notification on connected deviceReplace the batteryYou will receive an alert when the battery is low.
AirTag stops updating its locationReplace the batteryIndicates the battery is too low to maintain connectivity.
AirTag not responding to “Play Sound” commandReplace the batteryIf the AirTag does not play a sound when prompted, the battery may be dead.

By staying alert to these indicators, you can promptly replace the battery and maintain uninterrupted tracking of your belongings.

How to Replace the Battery in an AirTag

Replacing the battery in your AirTag is a simple and tool-free process. Below are the detailed steps to ensure a smooth replacement process. For visual learners, consider watching this official Apple support video on replacing an AirTag battery, which provides a step-by-step visual guide.

Step-by-Step Battery Replacement Process

  1. Open the AirTag by pressing down and twisting the back cover: Firmly press down on the AirTag’s back cover and twist it counterclockwise. This action disengages the cover, providing access to the battery compartment.
  2. Remove the old battery: With the back cover off, carefully eject the old battery. Handle both the battery and the AirTag delicately to prevent any potential damage.
  3. Insert a new CR2032 battery: Take a brand-new CR2032 battery and place it into the compartment. Ensure the positive side (+) is facing upward, aligning with the AirTag’s internal contacts.
  4. Align the cover and press down, twisting it to close: Align the back cover with the AirTag and press down, twisting clockwise until it clicks into place. This secures the AirTag, making it ready for use once again.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Using a battery with a protective film: Ensure the new CR2032 battery does not have a protective film on its surface. If present, remove the film before insertion.
  • Incorrect battery orientation: The positive side (+) of the battery must face upward. Incorrect orientation will prevent the AirTag from functioning.
  • Over-tightening the back cover: When closing the AirTag, twist the cover until it clicks into place without applying excessive force.

Detailed Replacement Table

StepActionDetailsCommon Mistakes
1Open the AirTagPress down and twist the back cover counterclockwise.Applying too much force can damage the cover.
2Remove the old batteryCarefully eject the old CR2032 battery.Handle the AirTag and battery gently to avoid damage.
3Insert a new CR2032 batteryPlace the new battery with the positive side (+) facing up.Ensure there’s no protective film on the battery. Incorrect orientation.
4Close the AirTagAlign the cover and twist clockwise until it clicks.Over-tightening the back cover.

This detailed guide ensures your AirTag is always ready to help you keep track of your valuables efficiently. Remember to check the battery’s orientation and remove any protective film before insertion to avoid common replacement issues.

Tips for Extending AirTag Battery Life

To ensure your AirTag remains a reliable companion for as long as possible, consider adopting a few habits to extend its battery life. Here, we delve into specific strategies, including adjustments within the Find My app and understanding the impact of temperature on battery performance.

Avoid Unnecessary Location Updates

Constantly checking your AirTag’s location can deplete the battery quicker. To minimize this:

  • Adjust Refresh Rate: In the Find My app, there’s no direct setting to adjust the refresh rate for location updates of AirTags. However, you can manage how often you manually refresh or request the location of your items. Being judicious with these actions can help conserve battery life.
  • Use Smartly: Only track your items when truly necessary. For example, there’s no need to check the location of your keys while you’re at home. Save the battery for when you’re out and about and might actually need to locate something.

Minimize Exposure to Extreme Temperatures

Both intense cold and heat can accelerate battery drain. Here’s why and how to mitigate it:

  • Impact on Battery Chemistry: Extreme temperatures can affect the chemical processes inside the battery, leading to faster depletion. Cold temperatures can slow down the chemical reactions, causing the battery to work harder to deliver power, while high temperatures can speed up internal corrosion.
  • Practical Tips:
    • Avoid Leaving in Direct Sunlight: For example, don’t leave your keys with an AirTag attached on the dashboard of your car on a hot day.
    • Keep Away from Cold Surfaces: In winter, avoid placing your AirTag directly on cold surfaces for prolonged periods.


Maintaining your AirTag’s battery life is both simple and crucial for ensuring that your belongings are always just a tap away. By recognizing the signs that it’s time for a battery replacement and implementing strategies to extend battery life, you maximize your AirTag’s effectiveness. AirTags are designed with user convenience in mind, featuring user-replaceable batteries and powerful tracking capabilities. By keeping these tips in mind, you can enjoy a hassle-free tracking experience, making misplaced items a concern of the past.